Dan Knopp

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Day 3

I wish you could see the mountains. Every day there’s been numerous moments where I stopped and just took in the view, after nearly  being floored by the extreme beauty of this country. Haiti is full of mountains, rolling hills, jungle, waterfalls, fields, active marketplaces and wonderful people. The pictures we share don’t capture the feeling of standing on top of a Haitian mountain and watching the sunrise before running down the other side, passing through walking markets, and people slowly starting their day. Each day we’ve also heard stories of how our donations have helped families climb out of poverty. As we run and walk each step across Haiti we’re reminded of the small steps the families we support take day by day, moment by moment as they work for a better tomorrow. Each step and each dollar we can put forth goes further than can be quantized as the families build self-sustaining jobs for themselves and their communities.